Weight Loss Hypnosis Philadelphia, PA
Power Hypno Slim
Philly Hypnosis Weight Management Video
3 Parts To Lose Weight Without A Diet:
- Food
- Exercise
- Your Thoughts.
This is where the power of hypnosis and Neural Linguistic Psychology comes in. Just imagine now that the food you like to eat becomes fuel. That means you lose the extra calories and stop sabotage eating of poor nutrition because you’re bored, mad, or sad. Your need for comfort eating, eating for convenience and emotional eating fade away.
What if you were to pull the Velcro off your bottom side and program yourself to get up and move your body?
What if you exercise your right to improve your health?

Weight Loss Assessment
Not sure if you can benefit from Weight Loss Hypnosis Philadelphia coaching? Find our now and take this short assessment and have the results emailed to you.
Lose the weight you want to lose, and start NOW!
The good news Philadelphia is if you are ready to break through the old stubborn overweight patterns: lose unwanted weight, slim down your body, minimize stress, feel good and healthy again, this may just be your answer.
People wanting to lose weight don’t always understand why they are eating food to comfort themselves when they are stressed or bored – but they are.
These eating habits leave them feeling fat, depressed, disgusted, embarrassed and ultimately powerless. Weight loss Hypnosis Philadelphia is not what they are thinking.
Many people — maybe you’re one of them – intuitively know what they need to do to lose weight and improve their health.
However, when they make up their minds to do the right things, old habits, failed diets and patterns keep them stuck from reaching their goals.

- Who else is carrying too much weight?
- How are those extra calories hurting your health?
- Finding your clothes don’t fit, even the larger sizes?
PHILADELPHIA DOCTORS and OTHER MEDICAL EXPERTS know this can be detrimental to your health.
Automatic Behavior and Weight Management
Take a moment from your hectic, stressed-out day and you will discover that much of what you do each day is, “automatic.” It is second nature for you to turn out the lights or lock your door when you leave the house; it’s automatic. When you drive to work, you don’t think about every turn, street and stop light on your way to your familiar destination; it’s automatic. In fact, you wouldn’t get much accomplished in your day, if you had to consciously think about everything you do, moment to moment.
Eating can often become an automatic behavior.
All automatic behaviors or habits are rooted deeply within the unconscious mind. You don’t have to think about them. When it comes to eating and exercise, the habits you created can lead to weight issues. Habits are unconscious and are best changed on the subconscious level. This is the reason that using hypnosis for Weight Loss Hypnosis Philadelphia is so successful. Hypnosis accesses the subconscious mind. All the willpower in the world won’t work when there is a renegade program part of your mind that is attached to keeping you from losing weight! You know the one – the saboteur who makes you eat food like cake when you are so determined to go for the apple!
How the Power Hypno-Slim System works for weight loss and weight management
The Stofka Method is a rare combination of the best of traditional hypnosis and the science of NLP, along with Mr. Stofka’s unique approach. Applying these techniques is like re-wiring your house for efficiency and direct current. You will experience effective and permanent change. Together we will find your inner saboteur and pack its bags for good! In your first session, we will ADDRESS the forces that are making you eat the types and amounts of food. Together we will replace them with a BURNING DESIRE to EXERCISE and EAT WELL thereby changing your life into a healthy lifestyle.

Lets get started!
Instead of hiding under the covers when the alarm goes off, imagine now, jumping out of bed, excited about your morning! You will begin craving healthy food and feeling fantastic. And once you start, you won’t want to stop. Your new way of eating and living will replace your old habits!
Mr. Stofka has the ability to identify the underlying blocks that keep you from losing weight and achieving your ideal weight. He will develop a customized personal program that is just right for you using The Stofka Method, hypnosis and NLP weight loss program in Philadelphia, PA. If you want to take control of your weight, health and improve your life, then this program is for you.
Cultivate a healthy body and the life you truly desire!
Make yo-yo dieting a thing of the past and feel great EVERY DAY.
Replace fatigue and lethargy with VIBRANT HEALTH and ENERGY.
Lose the weight you want to lose, and start NOW!
5 Most Essential Components for LIFE:
- Oxygen
- Happy Thoughts
- Excellent Nutrition
- Exercise
- Water
Happy thoughts are right up there with oxygen! Take charge of your thoughts and you can take your life wherever you want it to go.
Power Hypno-Slim Tool Kit
Look at yourself again and feel great.
Re-wire negative thinking patterns and hook up to positive ones.
Easily develop new healthy eating and exercise habits.
Replace fatigue with vibrant health and energy.
Personal Consultation Experience:
We’ll get clearer on your vision and goals.
You’ll leave with more motivation and energy to really make this happen knowing if this is the program for you.
We’ll create a multi-state action plan for you to achieve your goals.
We’ll uncover those things that sabotage, stop and challenge you.
We’ll review how The Stofka Method combining hypnosis, NLP and coaching will work for you
We’ll review the program
Take action and control back today!
Call us now for your free consultation at 1-877-557-7409 or simply book your appointment online. Without taking action today, tomorrow only brings regret!
Client TESTIMONIALS : Weight Loss Hypnosis Philadelphia
Listen to what our enthusiastic clients are saying about using hypnosis for weight loss after starting their program: